An exploration of the many and varied applications of hypnosis

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An exploration of the many and varied applications of hypnosis

Testimonials for hypnotherapy Vital Therapy LondonWeight loss before Christmas

Should I just wait until the new year to get in shape by making a new year’s resolution or should I start now?
That festive time of year is nearly upon us, when we all have the opportunity to overindulge. For many, this can be a daunting time of year that is accompanied by feelings of guilt and wondering if you can ever achieve that ideal physique.
Oh, I’ll just start dieting when the new year comes, many may say.
Attempting a weight loss programme before Christmas might seem crazy. That would be true if we were starting a diet and were attempting rapid weight loss. However, using hypnosis for weight loss is a long-term solution to weight control and works by permanently changing your relationship with food, addressing other reasons for over-eating and lack of motivation that often have nothing to do with food.
In my experience as a weight loss consultant, I have found that there may be many reasons apart from habit, that people over-eat that are often emotional.i.e using food as a substitute for something else. There can often be underlying and very convincing reasons to stay overweight, that is usually unconscious. I recently had a client who, when she was a teenager suffered embarrasment by being excluded by the other schoolchildren for being too skinny. So, at that point, a new belief was formed for her that generalised out into her life causing her to gain weight. Using hypnosis and regression techniques we can update those understandings for clients to achieve the changes they want.

So, should I wait until after Christmas or start now?

Well, it depends what you want.
If you want rapid weight loss before Christmas, go on a diet, but be aware that you run the risk of yo-yo dieting and potential long-term weight gain. However, if you’d like to change your relationship with food forever, there’s no time like the present to do something different

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