Category: smoking

A Hypnotic Approach to Stop Smoking Tobacco

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Stop smoking now with Vital TherapyThere is now more emphasis on people to give up smoking than ever before. People who smoke cannot help but see the national campaigns that are designed to help smokers stop smoking.


Warnings about the risks of smoking cigarettes surround us and the accompanying risks are very well known. Smoking is actually the leading cause of preventable death in the UK. About 50% of smokers will die from a smoking related illness. The thing is, a lot of people have no idea that a hypnotic approach can really affect their life in a constructive way by helping them to get rid of smoking cigarettes for good. This life altering process can be done in as little as one 2 hour session with an experienced hypnotherapist, and proves to be a rather more efficient way of quitting smoking than any of the more conventional treatment options.


Hypnotherapy processes work by helping a person to take on new beliefs at every level of their mind thus helping you to take on a whole new way of thinking. It’s more useful to think of hypnosis less as something being done to you but more of teaching you a new kind of mindset at an unconscious level.

Many smokers cite stress as a factor in smoking, so smoke to cope with stress but end up being controlled by cigarettes. It follows that some of the most successful methods help the smoker to feel more empowered about situations in life and find new ways of coping with the stresses of life.  Hypnotherapy also helps to break those associations that have been built up over time such as a cigarette with a coffee first thing in the morning or with a beer whilst out with friends.

You then become aware that you are no longer a smoker but take on a new identity of non-smoker, resulting in a reduction of powerful yearnings to smoke.

You will be supported by the hypnotherapist who will get a complete understanding of your cigarette smoking routines so as to be able to make it easier to stop.


This helps the hypnotherapist to develop an in-depth overview which could help to tailor the hypnotherapy process to your individual needs, ensuring it is more effective.


As reported by the New Scientist, that published the largest ever scientific comparison of ways to stop smoking tobacco, hypnosis is the most effective way of quitting smoking cigarettes.


It is obviously important that you are looking to give up cigarettes for yourself and not someone else. Without this, the process may be unproductive.

The more motivated you are, the easier it is for the hypnotherapist to help put you on the path of quitting cigarettes. When you stop smoking tobacco the advantages become obvious quite quickly, in fact you can start to notice changes in just a few days. You might notice how your breathing improves, your fitness levels increase and, of course, you smell better. Your lungs will benefit markedly as they will start to expel dangerous substances taken into the body through smoking cigarettes. Your adrenaline, blood pressure levels and heart beat should easily go back to ideal levels.


And it isn’t just you that benefits. Everyone you live with is no longer affected by your smoke.


New scientist research

Categories: Hypnosis smoking

Most smokers want to quit

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I found this interesting article today concerning research done in the USA suggesting that most smokers want to quit.

One interesting point concerning previous smokers who were successful in quitting smoking suggests that there was no magic bullet with regard to strategies for stopping but rather just a basic decision to quit. This seems to be the case in the vast majority of people who have given up smoking: making the decision 100% to quit and then acting on that decision.
Our job as hypnotherapists in a lot of ways is to help people come to that decision on all levels of their being and help them access the skills necessary to act on that decision.

You can take a look at the article here:

Categories: Hypnosis smoking