Category: Uncategorized

Affordable Change

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It seems there are a lot of people who would like to make changes to their lives and realise that hypnotherapy or working with a therapist could help them. However, for many the reality of the financial cost means they are either left to sort the problems out themselves or are stuck with the problem.

There is a school of thought and evidence to suggest that the higher the cost, the more commitment and success a client has. However, that doesn’t help someone who for no fault of their own has to make the decision to buy food or pay the rent.
These are tough times after all.

As hypnotherapists in private practice, we are running a business and have a lot of expenses, so there is only so much we can do to help.
I have trialed the whole discount thing before and unfortunately only received enquiries from people who were less than serious, however, I’m going to offer this opportunity again.
So, if you would like to make some kind of change in your life, are committed and willing to put in some effort yourself, I am offering hourly appointments, one day a week at a clinic in Hendon or via skype at half my normal fee. That works out at £40 per session.
This is strictly first come, first served.

I am intending to trial this offer just for the month of April, to see the interest and feedback I receive.

Please note: this offer does not include stopping smoking sessions.

Fresh new web design

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It’s been a couple of months in the making, but the new design of the website is finally up and running. There’s some fresh new content, primarily on the testimonial page including audio/videos.
It probably still needs some tweaking here and there so if anyone fancies giving me any feedback on the site, it’s very much appreciated



Categories: Uncategorized