Hypnotherapy London | Hypnotherapist London



Welcome to Vital Therapy Hypnotherapy London

Vital therapy is a company owned by clinical hypnotist James Quinn who has over 20 years experience in promoting change in peoples lives. It provides Hypnotherapy, NLP and IEMT at the North London Finchley hypnotherapy clinic, Central London Hypnotherapy clinic, Baker Street hypnotherapy clinic, Harley Street  hypnotherapy clinic and various other locations througout London.

My Approach to Change

I’m James Quinn and I’m primarily a clinical hypnotherapist, which means I use hypnosis and applied psychotherapy methods and practices to help people move from where they are in life to where they’d like to be.

If you’re looking at this then there’s probably something in your life you’re unhappy with or would like to improve upon. In fact there may be some of you who’ve tried everything and calling a hypnotist is the last port of call. Perhaps it’s a question of changing unwanted thoughts, feelings and behaviours or in a coaching context, of optimising performance.

I know there are some of you who expect me to wave a magic wand and make your problem vanish. Hypnosis and some of the other methods I use may be powerful but they’re not magic, even though sometimes they can appear to be. Clinical hypnosis can bring surprisingly quick results, but sometimes it has to compete with the old behaviour. If a person has been suffering from anxiety for the past 20 years, it’s unlikely to go within a single session of 90 minutes. It’s important to be realistic.

Hypnotic success can often depend on a clients ability to enter trance states. Some people can enter trance states easily, some less so. For clients with less ability to enter trance there are other therapeutic methods I employ which include Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Integral eye movement technique (IEMT) to name but a few. For that reason I suppose you could say that I use an integrative approach. Hypnotherapy is also a useful addition or alternative means of treatment to more traditional methods such as counselling.
I should stress that I’m not a counselor, but a hypnotherapist and I may sometimes use methods that can be challenging but effective.



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hypnotherapy london


Some conditions that can be helped:

•Chronic illness
•Music Performance
•Pain Management
•Panic attacks
•Stop Smoking
•Sports Performance
•Weight Loss


Clients leave feedback here……

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Do you suffer from an unusual phobia or condition?
If so, I would like to hear from you.
You may be eligible for a course of FREE treatment
Contact me now for more details.
Available at the Finchley Hypnotherapy London clinic only.

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The effect of hypnosis

Weight Control
Cancer and pain

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“We all have the potential for major change in our lives. I don’t believe that positive change requires months or years of painful and expensive therapy!”

Change your life and achieve your goals with hypnotherapy London!

Where am I?
I’m a London hypnotherapist with clinical hypnotherapy london based clinics in Finchley, Barnet, Baker Street, Harley Street and Hendon.

Click Hendon Hypnotherapy Clinic for directions and more information of the hypnotherapy London Hendon based clinic.
Click Barnet Hypnotherapy Clinic for directions and more information of the hypnotherapy London Barnet based clinic.

Click Harley Street Hypnotherapy Clinic for directions to the hypnotherapy London Harley Street clinic.

What are the first steps?
Before the session itself I offer an initial 30 minute FREE Screening session (available via Skype) to explore how I can be of help and to answer any questionsyou may have. It can be useful to get an idea of who I am as a person and to find out if we can work together. When you are ready to go ahead with a session, I’ll have you fill out a brief questionnare.

What happens during a session with James?
We will discuss what your goals are, during which I may wish to take a detailed case history and then develop a treatment plan which may or may not include hypnotherapy. Depending on the treatment plan the initial work that we do together may involve a wide range of techniques and strategies for change that is often a fascinating and rewarding experience.

Why have hypnotherapy?
Most people have something in their lives that they would like to improve upon. It may be a fear that is adversely affecting your life, it may be a habit that you would like to be rid of, or it may be a skill that you would like to improve. Hypnotherapy is now being used by people from all walks of life, from top athletes wishing to hone their skills to housewives wishing to lose weight or stop smoking. There may be the belief that certain things cannot be changed and indeed this may be true of some, but we are all in the process of evolving as we grow from small children into adults and how we cope and react to conditions or situations can very definately be improved upon.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions and to find out the location of the hypnotherapy london based clinic nearest to you.

Set yourself free with hypnotherapy London!
[info_box]Call Now on 0207 754 3717 or 07941 454 339[/info_box]

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GHSC-validated-hypnotherapist GHR-registered-hypnotherapist
